My jg duo just made the cleanest lee sin play I've ever seen

That's a nice clip I gues...

Reddit has completely ruined "Clean Lee Sin" for me. Same way it ruined Thresh as well.

It seems like everyone who is an unknown has a Lee Sin highlight that would have been a great highlight a few years ago, but do people really get impressed by Lee Sin now?

I'm going to be honest. Based only on this clip, that looks like a gold game to me. I might totally wrong, but I have seen gold and high silver Lee Sins do stuff like that. It just't isn't that complicated. The champion isn't as hard as people think. I got a low silver Lee Sin do a nice kick flash set up on me the other day, and while some people would say he was "smurfing", he then threw the game right after. I knew right there and then he wasn't smurfing lol

Anyway, not hating on OP, just saying Reddit ruined the idea of a "Clean Lee Sin", everyone wants credit for something that just isn't that hard these days.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread