My kids keep talking about Santa coming and I can’t even afford food.

Crotch goblins are not my thing. Im childfree cause I know life is pointless and bringing someone into this world is basically mandating torture on them, and you, and it strips your freedoms. Gotta fake the funk though my man. Pretend to feel good and ultimately it will manifest into you at least not feeling as shitty. Of course its a daily thing, which sucks. We are probably in a simulation made from a fat kid with cheeto hands. It sucks I know. Christmas time though ag least, kinda like lockdowns, there is something we all know we are doing together, at the same time. Its a weird connection, like watching a TV show before internet and knowing other people were watching at the same time cause there was no way to record.

Anyway you get it. But yeah. No family, and friends suxk after 30, its all worthless, but we still can try to feel which again, manifests into feeling, at least a lil bit better

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