My latest theory. Trigger warning.

I think maybe I am understanding of the same process you describe but I've understood it differently. At the top of a hierarchy, a naturally forming hierarchy, is typically people like us (not just schizophrenic, people with differences and sometimes a strength). This is an ancient process and comes from the beginning of humans. Powerful gifts of interaction with the world can conflict with modernity, normalcy, conformity, everything alien to me and many others. The dreams are more severe manifestations of the greater reality, that we can't comprehend in a waking state due to the strain it takes on the brain. Think about how people who suffer in their lives are overwhelmed, they are carrying the burden of not one but perhaps several realities. I feel like I am incontact with them, but since I can't prove it through speech (universally recognizable yet impossible illogical super-language) it can only be expressed through other means, actions behaviors art and visuals.

/r/schizophrenia Thread