My LDR boyfriend (21M) started calling me mentally ill and abnormal (20F) for my perspective

I said would also like him to introduce me to his friend circle and i would to mine so we could all be mutuals and know about each other. (But he did not do it, especially with guys, said he doesn't trust them enough)

I mean this is quite telling tbh.

what would be best for us? i want him to be happy but i also want to be happy, i can't change my phone number right now or delete all my socials and i don't know what to do anymore since he does not want us to stop talking and won't leave me alone but at the same time tells me i should leave if i can't accept him for who he is. i only stress out and keep hurting because i am so confused on what's going on.

OP, end it, and block him. Why do you let him manipulate you like that?

/r/relationship_advice Thread