My left hinge completely broke after I backed up my iPhone any recommendations for a new one?

Look up hinges for this specific make and model and also check out youtube for how to's. Its almost a gaurantee that theres a repair video somewhere out there for your laptop, or at the very a blog post running down the process.

If its a simple fix, you can do it yourself. If its a tougher fix, depending on the cost of the new frame/shell, it would probably still be easier and cheaper to hire a dude to replace it for you instead of buying an entirely new laptop.

Broken hinges are common and simple. Replace it and it will be like nothing happened.

In the meantime, dont open and close your laptop at all. Leave it propped up somewhere. I kept moving mine around when I needed a fixed hinge, which caused the screws (lenovo ideapad) to push into the screen resulting in massive fractures and me needing a new, expensive screen.

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