My male friend opened up to me about assaulting others. How to respond?

You have to name what is untrue in a 5 paragraph response.

I would call "regret rape" a fringe view from modern politcally motivated speakers and modern media's sensationalist focus on rare false-rape stories. I don't buy that 'many people' believe it is a big problem. It tends to be Red-Pill fanatics who repeat that kind of crap and you can easily counter it with numbers.

You can estimate 'false' rape directly using easily government figures and easily show it is a trivially small problem compared to unpunished rape, which is comparatively 50 times more likely from memory. You can also find legal government documents discussing exactly that topic for public education.

I don't believe people 'commonly believe this' ... I have NEVER in my life heard someone who consciously agrees with rape. Never.

It's a fact, and not delusional, and don't be rude. People used to turn themselves in out of guilt, it used to be normal. People used to go insane from guilt not that long ago. That doesn't happen any more and it's a modern phenomonen that has appeared as legal-culture has taken hold and personal religious moral-scrutiny has declined - it used common-place in the generations before mine. And don't just openly be rude and use words like delusional and I will give you the respect of not telling you what I think of a person with the your type of views.

You don't believe a confession is evidence!?!?!? Wow.

OP asked what the right thing to do is - so don't be smart. the right thing is treat a serious crime as a crime and not shirk from the gravity of the situation. So don't get smart with legal advice.

The key is in your use of the word crime. The police do not require a victim to testify if they believe a crime has taken place.

FYI If somebody tries to murder me, it is technically not my choice whether I report it.

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