My male housemate got catcalled by another man on his way home yesterday. MRW he tells me this story while angrily pointing out why catcalling and sexual objectification are wrong.

False. I don't think it's just the rich and powerful that get away with it, but those were the examples you provided, and so I responded to those examples.

making an example of the rich and powerful getting away with it doesn't mean everyone can.

I do think that an average engineer who gets fired over a sexual assault/harassment lawsuit would have a significantly harder time finding a job than Woody Allen, though. Would you say that's true or false? Also, you asked me a question, assumed the answer, and then went on to describe my "mindset" from that assumed answer.

I never questioned giving more or less attention to situations where women are the victim, but rather lumping every single person who criticizes anything you say into the "boys club" on reddit. I generally don't like the comments and viewpoints that reddit tends to "vote to the top".

I visit reddit mainly for sports and science news, and to an extent keep an eye on other potentially relevant news that might be hard to come by otherwise. So, while I can respect your anger at comments that tend to ignore reality, I can't really respect it being directed indiscriminately towards someone who says anything disagreeable.

I have no intention of defending the despicable actions of some members of my gender, but I also fail to see how making this entirely a battle of the sexes will actually help much-needed change come about.

I'm sorry for offending you. I made the mistakenly thought of trollx as a forum that would appreciate the impact of gross generalizations in these discussions, but either I was wrong in that assumption, I failed to convey my message probably, or I am secretly a misogynist.

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