My man with the best 10 year challenge I seen so far

His attaining his goal is awesome and I'm happy for him, but I don't always like things like this is because it only shows the beginning and end of the path. We don't get a true glimpse into the massive effort that went toward achieving his goal. Not just how many hundreds and thousands of hours of study and practice and flight hours in different roles.

His life wasn't just training and study. He had to work to live, he had obligations and responsibilities in his personal life. He experienced, sickness, sadness, disappointment, loss. He dealt with discouragement, uncertainty, frustration, and hardship. Ten years is a long ass time, but through ten years of everything he was patient, persistent, and committed to his goal.

That's the part we don't get to see, and it's the most impressive thing about his achievement.

Sorry that was rambling. Congrats to this dude and Happy New year everybody.

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