My MIL was “scammed” out of $3000 yesterday, so this is a cautionary tale about teaching your parents to recognize obvious scams.

Check out “Jim Browning” on YouTube. It explains the scam in detail.

Basically, it sounds like your mom called “PayPal” via a fake number and explained that she wanted to change her card number because she had been scammed. The person over the phone pretended that they could handle reversing the charge on her account right away, without waiting for her banking institution to work it out. They just.....needed her to download this handy-dandy software and then she needed to log into her bank account.

Woopsie-daisy, “your mom” typed in the wrong numbers for the refund or the innocent customer service person did, and now they are going to lose their job and you mother is going to get in trouble!! She must right away set up a crypto account to send the scammer the money extra money that was deposited into her account!

Summary breakdown here.

It has happened to many people. You do not need to worry about her mental health as far as her being “unreasonably scammed” and taken advantage of. It is easy, when you experience real fraud, to go into panic mode.

/r/personalfinance Thread