My Military Friend Thinks It's This Simple

I'm a college dropout, but imo..

  1. Tuition is set by the college, which is a private business, which is selling you a service. If you think the service is unfairly priced, there is an overwhelming number of other businesses (less prestigious universities with comparable standards, community colleges, universities in countries where universities are state-funded, vocational schools, probably a million websites, a library card, etc) which will sell it to you for less. The fact that people are lining up to pay these amounts justifies asking that price. If you made the best donuts in town and people were lining up down the street to happily pay you $50 for a single donut despite having the option to pay $0.50 somewhere else, it would be foolish to charge anything less.
  2. I assume you meant "choose between having an education and being in debt OR having no education and being debt free". Really though, no one is forcing students to do anything. If you think the price is unfair, don't pay it. Go somewhere cheaper, learn it your own way, or pick a different career. 3&4. Anyone who decided against being a doctor because of this comic should probably not be a doctor.
  3. The people who are lining up to pay these outrageous prices will be the doctors, scientists, and school officials. If they stopped paying those prices they would drop and more people would be able to afford it, generally assuring America has doctors, scientists, and school officials.
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