My mom[45F] always steals my[21F] style. Most of the time I brush it off but this time I told her no. She didn't take that well. I just want some things of my very own. Need advice. Non-romantic.

Seems like you want something to be mad about. Im not saying you should, but i dont see a problem with her taking your stuff as long as she's giving it back if she did ya know. wipe your ass, spend hella money on you, and give up whatever social life she had to raise you. I mean. but right, fuck her and taking my lipstick.

maybe she see's so much of herself in you and the social world is scary to her? She hasnt been in the social world for quite some time and venturing back out with no conception of how it is, shoot id copy you too if i had a nice lookin daughter!

My advice: There's more important things to worry about, like kids starving in Africa from our over consumerism we each have a hand in.

okay after actually reading it. It sounds like you and your mom dont have a close relationship and she feels like shes losing you because every time she tries to express herself you give her the cold shoulder. You make your story sound very one way, to where it makes me think its a bit inflated.

the fact youre justifying her doing stuff for you, by saying you did stuff for her. i dont really agree with but.

You're taking this way to seriously if your mom wants to copy you; if she wiped your damn ass you best believe she'll do what she damn well pleases.

no offense, but have you taken it upon yourself to CONSIDER you might be wrong here?

By saying she stole your lipstick and clothes, it makes it sound like she doesnt provide support to you. Reading it, she definitively does to the point/possibility the clothes she's "stealing"(borrowing), she couldve bought herself FOR you. Then she even offered to pay you for the lipstick because she knew that being petty over $2 isnt worth the struggle in your relationship but "no mom you cant use my lipstick even though you probably feed me for free"

Do you guys share ANY common ground? Maybe your mom is just trying to relate to you and youre making it difficult for her to connect. (MAYBE)

No offense, again, but youre 21. Grow the fuck up. <3

Playing devil's advocate here I guess.

/r/relationships Thread