So my mom blocked me from Facebook like the bitch she is

Indeed I do. My mother once told me I had 2 choices when I turned 18. Either I could go to college, or get a job and start paying rent. Well, I joined the army (cause she wouldn't give me her tax info so that I could get financial aid) That pretty much failed due to a medical condition but I got some money out of it and started to pay my way through college. Well, my mom wanted rent money for living in the house she was renting. I brought up that this was going back on the terms she stated earlier but she said I had to do it. So I moved in with my dad. Well, some stuff I didn't take with me, so she was demanding I pay a storage fee to store my stuff at her place.

There was also the fight we had about my girlfriend, mom calling her a bitch despite never having met her nor me telling anything of note about her, just that she existed. Mom tried her hardest to keep me from being with her.

This story is older but there is also the time that my mom got drunk at a lakeside party and had a massive fight with her boyfriend, culminating in her shooting out the back window of his truck late at night, then throwing the gun to me and running away. After I cleaned up everything, I spent a quiet, peaceful evening at home alone...until she came back, woke me up at 4AM and told me to go dig in the gravel outside for the bullet while she sleeps off her hangover.

And as just an "of course" my mom is a massive rascist and really hates muslims as well, believing them to want to kill her and take over the country to enforce Shiara law

My mom is completely batshit, but I've got less fucked up stories about stuff my dad does and my brother, both currently mooching off me (and indeed just borrowed 10 dollars from me for cigarettes right before I saw this thread.) while I pay all the rent and bills on our apartment by myself.

/r/Needafriend Thread