My Mom Cries Everyday | Am I Wrong?

It sounds like you are really passionate about content creation, and you have a clear plan for your future. It's great that you have found a job as a Content Strategist, and it's important to pursue a degree that aligns with your interests and goals.However, it can be difficult to convince parents who hold traditional views about education and career paths. One approach you can take is to have an honest and open conversation with your mom. Explain to her how you feel and how pursuing a degree in commerce will allow you to develop practical skills and set you up for success in the future.

You can also share your achievements and successes in the field of photography and videography, and how you have been able to apply those skills to your work as a Content Strategist. Highlight how a degree in commerce will give you a broader understanding of business operations, which will be valuable in your future career endeavors.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that you are the one who will be living your life and pursuing your career. While it's important to listen to your mom's concerns, you should also stay true to your own passions and goals. It may take some time for your mom to come around, but with patience and persistence, you can work towards building a mutual understanding and support for your chosen career path

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