My mom is interested but unexperienced

Don't have your mom do any other drugs to prepare her for ayahuasca because none of them will. Just make sure she reads up on what it is and does some of her own research, other than what you tell her, so that she truly understands the purpose and what she may be in for. I did it as a 47 year old mom who did not do any drugs other than at 16 years old, smoking weed a few times and dropping acid twice. Ayahuasca was nothing like those experiences, so having her do them now will not prepare her. Unlike the other stuff, ayahuasca is definitely not something I would ever consider doing recreationally as it is not an easy or fun experience, but it is an extremely healing one. Good luck and I hope you and your mom have a wonderful time bonding in your shared experience.

/r/Ayahuasca Thread