My mood stabilizer has caused so much memory loss that I'm having issues in my relationship now

Hey, bp2 as well-

As mentioned by others, Lamotragine and memory loss seem rather common, to varying degrees. I have / do experience the same, including whole conversations that sometimes evaporate from my timeline. I've spiraled over a conversation about sneakers at one point, haha.

But over the past 20 years, dozen+ different Rx drugs, 15+ years of heavy drinking, eliminationg alcohol, and other contributing factors from traumas and bouts with controlled substances, I've had A LOT of different memory issues. I've had to make a decision each time it came up. Currently taking Bupropion 300 mg and Lamotragine 200 mg and living with inconsistent memories nearly identical to what you're describing. Comparing different shades of the same tone:

Topamax - loss of word recall and sporadic loss of feeling in my extremities = change

Long and short, the two concerns are separate problems.

/r/bipolar2 Thread