My new Les Paul also sounds great - the most important part!

Yeah you’re right I deleted a lot of my comments especially the ones with terrible insults because I realize that’s not something you want to have on the internet. I was mad at the time, and hurled some really off color insults. I also deleted some things from my profile, because as where it was a joke to me in reference to (toan comes from the balls, r/guitar circle jerk) - it could be taken wrong by others like yourself. The picture of my wife and I that I put up, is to show her off. Especially to some random person that thinks I’m a loser for posting a video to show off a new guitar and then proceeds to attack everything about me. That’s some low pathetic stuff right there.

I logged off for 1 week came back and saw you made comments about my family. It’s not a card I’m playing, that really pissed me off. That’s fucked up, and not to be an internet tough guy but yes I would fuck you up for that.

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