My NMom tried sending me to rehab all summer for $40,000 for becoming a stripper.


How long would it take for you to earn $40K by stripping?

Wrong for her to invade your privacy, but complex that your employment is pretty much about exposure.

For what it's worth, sex and porn addicts wind up in rehab facilities in part because dropping dollars on the stage has cost them their lives in some sense. I don't discount your right to work in whatever role you like or feel you are best qualified to do in life -- but will just say, in rehab and especially inpatient, I bet you would have learned a great deal of invaluable information about yourself, including the "how this happened" of your family's apparently busted dynamics. It wasn't going to be you doing your mom a favor. It was going to be you learning the truth -- not about God but about where you sit as a person and how your family shaped you and your choices, for better or worse, and how you maybe misinterpreted or got hurt by messages along the way.

Out of curiosity though, what do you envision for work once you age out of stripping?

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread