My old best friend is lying about being sexually harassed/assaulted in high school

I'm not looking for any of that. I'm not even sure what you mean by "gotcha moment for upvotes."

Feel free to report me, if you like. Maybe I'm not seeing some major offense I've committed. I don't feel I've violated any rules and although I've been a bit brusque, maybe, I have absolutely not assumed anywhere that OP is "de facto shitty" nor have I insulted them in any way.

The end of my post was explicitly a call to not be a shitty person. Perhaps I worded it badly. Another way of saying it is this: if you are not extremely certain that a potential survivor of abuse is lying, then the approach should be to approach the person with the possibility that they are telling the truth, rather than the assumption that they're lying.

/r/offmychest Thread Parent