My older sisters had to go through this hell.

It's really hard to end an abusive tradition because it relies on convincing those who have participated in it that it was abusive while keeping them on your side. I'm British, and trying to explain to my American mother in law that I wouldn't be circumcising my son because it's not seen as in any way necessary in my country was a minefield. I had to try and assert my valid reasons for avoiding the practice without making me feel like I was accusing her of being a bad person for choosing it for her own sons. It was hard for her to hear that it wasn't necessary--that the majority of Europe goes without it--because she had believed that it was an absolutely vital thing when she chose it for her children, and it meant confronting the idea that they'd had an unnecessary surgery as newborns. I think instead she chose to brush me off and not entirely believe me about it.

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