My only problem with this run

Z33k33 doesn't have some magic power that compels people to obey him. When he says 'left', people are likely to go with it because his plans are good, he's all over all the relevant gameplay factors, and people like him.

It could potentially be said that, out of everyone, the person who currently has the greatest power over the stream's direction is z33k33. In the first place, that's a little debatable; his suggestions get followed because they're good suggestions; if they weren't, people would stop following them. But the more important element is people feeling more inclined to follow one person's suggestions over another's is just a natural human behaviour, and there's not really anything you can do to stop it.

It's a pattern you get literally everywhere, in any sphere. We're more likely to take advice from the barista we know than the barista we don't, unless barista no. 1 is awful. It may seem unfair and disheartening that one person's ideas are given less weight than someone else's, and it may be unfair, but it's also never going to change. z33k33 is well liked, he's been effective and reliable at coming up with good ideas and coordinating in the past, and his earlier efforts have led to trust building up around him. And unlike Red, this is a run where heavy coordination is necessary.

Protesting how much 'power' he has probably won't have any impact on the people who follow his suggestions; the only really effective way to combat it, if you wanted to do that, would be to put in the same amount of time and effort that he does and consistently come up with similarly good ideas. Because you can't really protest that people feel inclined to follow this guy. You can protest the plans themselves, sure, but not the feelings behind it. It's a feeling, man. 's emotional and stuff.

TL:DR: I'm quite tired. This is quite rambly. But it's just, like, basic human nature, man. We feel stuff. Nothin' to be done.

/r/twitchplayspokemon Thread