My only wish for DLC 2 is to actually take itself seriously.

Rasputin is arguably one of the most important characters lorewise

Yo everyone said literally this about Osiris.

And I'd agree that Curse of Osiris was especially bad but frankly, whenever Bungie tries to tell a Destiny story in that traditional "FPS Campaign" format, it's a total loss. They just can't do it.

For my money, my best hope for storytelling in this DLC would be for them to break out of that format. I'd like to most if not all cutscenes and dialogue lines traded out for stronger "world storytelling".

Think Leviathan, which in itself was definitely inspired by Dark Souls, Bioshock, games like that. The Raid-related stories are all pretty cool in my opinion -- because instead of just being handed the details on a silver platter, we're forced to investigate it ourselves. As I said, Bungie are good at world building. They need to play to that strength.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread