My parents decided that they need to “fix” me after coming out to them a while ago, and took away all things anime, including Anime Club, which is the only time I have to spend with friends. They also said if I “don’t get better” they’ll make me move schools and get someone to “fix me”.

This kinda stuff actually gets to me quite deeply. I took the path of greatest resistance and ended up going down a very bad road. Our circumstances are hardly comparable, but if I were in your shoes?

Running away usually leads to hard times, but is sometimes the only option on the table. I'm not sure you're at that place yet, but if you act out strongly it looks like you will be (I could never accept CT like some kinda cattle). I'd give them what they want to be honest, and play pretend. It's only in their presence and only until you're out of the house.

The trade off for your time in gender prison? When you can get your own place you can drop them completely, transition, and return to take in their over the top reactions. Maybe in the company of a loving friend(s) and/or significant other!

I'm not really qualified to be handing out advice, so take all of this with a grain of salt. Buuuuuuut...

What happens to you later will be pretty ephemeral. What happens when you're young will never go away. It will shape who you can become. Surround yourself with people you can trust and confide in and just focus on making your plans for the future.

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