My parents denied me vaccinations as a child. Today, I was finally able to take my health into my own hands!

So you still dont read well, I see.

Seriously dude, what's your problem?

I'm not the one who gets in regular reddit fights. So what's your problem?

OP gave credit (twice, as you pointed out to me since I didn't know he had done so again in the comments)

Again, nah he didn't. Not once. Maybe sorta half way AFTER Original OP showed up.

You still dont understand chronological order. See, the 1st person does something, THEN the 2nd person does something. The 2nd person didn't do his thing first. I'm surprised you are able to be on the internet and not understand this.

But feel free to respond and call me more names. I don't care and trolls don't bother me the way logic and common respect bother you. I expect better shit talking from someone who has so much experience, but I've been disappointed so far. Maybe you can make up for it in your next salvo. Fingers crossed

Unless you're too busy with your other reddit fights...

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