My parents dirty talk downstairs and I can hear everything due to open concept home. What to do?

She’s only 11. A child. Stop trying to teach her adult concepts about relationships. She won’t get it yet. No one wants to see their parents growl and pull at their zippers. Gross. And just because the youngest is 5 and autistic and doesn’t seem to notice doesn’t make it okay. Kids have memories and if she doesn’t understand now she will later. Kind of feel like you’re pushing her boundaries because she’s too little and autistic to understand. And your kids don’t complain because you’re teaching them it’s okay. How are you even capable of getting heated and pulling at zippers and even ... growling (major cringe) when your kids are around and witnessing it ? It just seems creepy. I feel bad for them. Please consider keeping private matters private and maybe educate yourself on boundaries instead of shaming other people for theirs. “If you’re not comfortable with me being sexual in front of children you’re just insecure about your sexuality” manipulative and gross.

/r/sex Thread Parent