My parents want my boyfriend from America to meet me in Canada but my boyfriend is a DACA.

This is exactly why people are afraid to learn about these things from other people and so misconceptions keep getting spread because random websites give limited information. As soon as someone says their honest assumption and is being vulnerable but show the want to learn better, they get shut down for being stupid lol. Like I stated, I know nothing about immigration laws. And I even said so myself that I probably sound terrible for it but I genuinely don't know why people would cross borders illegaly. I immigrated to Canada legally but I was too little to know the process (5 years old). In my mind, immigration seemed pretty easy; just apply and wait. But with some research i learned its not easy and i just wanted to learn more about it. If I truly believed he was dangerous, I wouldn't even consider meeting him, let alone continue talking to him. I'm trying to convince my parents he is safe and I probably should've worded it better, but I wanted proofs that would show DACA isn't as dangerous as what my parents might think. I literally said "it seems highly likely that my boyfriend is safe".

But yes, my parents are definitely racists and highly protective and because I grew up in that environment, I admit I am also a racist + very careful. But the difference here is that I'm trying to learn for the better. I just know my parents will immediately freak out when I bring up something "illegal". Thank you anyway. I need to educate myself on DACA first obviously

/r/LongDistance Thread Parent