Why do my parents pull a ‘you’re living on our money, under our roof’ and ‘do it when you have your own place’ whenever i dont agree with them?

I read in one of your posts that you'll be relying on your parents until you're about 23 because you're financially dependent on them. That is a very long time to live with abusive parents.

Even worse than that, they will likely find new ways to keep your financially reliant on them.

Instead of relying on them, you need to find a way to become independent as soon as possible. One thing narcissistic parents love to do is pay for their children's education, then use that to blackmail them into submission. Even worse, they'll often have their children take out loans, then agree to pay those loans. When their children begin to resist their control, they threaten to stop paying off those loans and leave their children with massive amounts of debt.

As soon as you're 18 and out of high school, try to look for a job. If you can, hide the fact you're working from your parents. If you can't, make sure you have your own bank account in which they have no access to it. And heaven forbid they force you to give them access to your bank account! If that's the case, tell your parents you are working minimum wage, and only deposit minimum wage into the bank account. The rest of your money, deposit into a separate bank account with a different bank - an account you will keep secret from your parents.

If your parents won't allow you to work, insist on going to community college. That way, if your parents pull financial support from you, you won't have much debt to pay off. More importantly, you can try to find work as you're going to community college without your parents being the wise. Worse case scenario, you drop your classes and pretend to go to community college, where you can go to work instead. And if they drop you off at community college, find a ride to work from there (try to make a good friend who can give you a ride for cheap).

Once you have some money saved up, start looking for an apartment in secret. When it comes time to move, do so without your parents knowing. Pack up in secret, and be gone in a matter of hours in which they aren't home.

That is what it will likely take to obtain true independence from them. If they paid for anything themselves and they tell you that you owe them money, they're full of shit. If they paid for your community college and say you owe them, you don't. They agreed to pay and if they try to pull any legal bullshit on you, you tell everyone that they gifted you the money under no obligation to pay them back (make sure you don't agree to pay them back via text message or any other form of documentation).

Best of luck.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread