I always say this to as many people as possible: this topic is just a singular example of a general stream of thought that is being pushed in India today especially to the younger generation. If someone was born after 2000 in suburban/rural India in conventional middle class Hindu household, they are the primary target group for higher political forces. All of their thoughts and worldview, right from when they started to think have been carefully shaped to fit the needs of political forces.
Make no mistake, there are other forces at play too. But the opposite propaganda mainly targets people growing in upper middle class and urban households. Of course, if someone is from a poor/lower middle class Muslim household, there is another propaganda there as well which is more religious than political.
My point is you have to learn to unlearn. Of course, an essay from a stranger on Reddit won't make you see the reality. If anything, it would make you angry at him. But I would request you to question everything (not just your opponents' ideas but your own too). Don't take any idea at face value. What you think lies beyond the surface is not the root of things either. Just like you think that beyond the surface of this impurification of Hindi is some malicious practice at play, I would request you to dig even deeper as even that is not the root and you might find that what you were thinking to be a root was just another surface after all. If even after an honest digging (which is the most difficult part) you still find that you are not the target of propaganda, go ahead with your idea.
Sorry if I got all philosophical here. But fighting propaganda is as difficult as it is important. I am passionate about these things as I myself have been the target of both the 2 major opposite kinds of propaganda and I hate them to the core. It is liberating not to be a puppet.