My problem with all this pill talk

Well now you've fucked up by falling for the women are wonderful effect, haven't you?

Nope, women are not wonderful. Women are human beings just like men with good aspects and bad aspects to their personality.

I've not noticed this at all firstly, lots of blokes go out and socialise, I and my mates do it all the time.

Yes, but do you socialise with other women? or just guys?

Secondly, why is the blame solely on men? If a man does decide he'd rather indulge in his own hobbies instead of seek out relationships, maybe it's because he's decided relationships are not worth the trouble.

And I am not criticising these guys. I am criticising the guys who want relationships and lash out at women, but don't want to put in the work to do so.

Finally, what about women who prefer solitary hobbies? Would you go on a tirade and call them "womanchildren"?

I refer to the countless number of times 'immature women'. Immature women are blamed in multiple ways - lots of men don't want them so they spend a life of solitude due to never growing up, and lots of them have failed marriages because they let themselves go.

You start your thread out saying gender differences shouldn't matter so much and people have power over their lives, then go on a big rant blaming men for being "manchildren" and placing women as perfect victims who can do no wrong.

Yes, they do, which is why mature women who've gotten there themselves, and sooner in their lives, are much more desirable. Women are not victims. That's a conclusion you jumped to based on your own preconceived bias of women being some sort of enemy. This is no different to feminists that lash out at men. Its black/white thinking and only done to rationalise their own inability to act.

I already mentioned immature women are naive by thinking they can change an immature man.

Your argument collapses on itself with this hypocrisy my man.

No, it does not. You are so caught up in your polarised thinking, most likely due to being in these echo chambers online, that you actually believe your own bullshit, and try to rationalise it rather than accepting the truth and growing up.

My point is not that men are victims or women are victims, but that they must both understand one another and work on things together as a unit. However, a guy must lead or the female will find another leader.

Men have stopped being leaders because easy times create weak men. Asking men to become leaders, their natural role again, is not blaming them, and only an excuse maker with a victim mentality would suggest otherwise.

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