My rant about the flag

Some of us are extremely big conspiracy theorists. One guy was doubting that the downing of flight 655 even happend because the U.S. is literally democracy and our government is literally hitler trying to brainwash us with fake stories . . .

Western media has a spin, just like Media here has a spin. Neither side bothers to verify anything beyond what the media says. Some people who left the horrors of the aftermath of the revolution and live abroad have that negative experience + the media spin of their current countries.

Let me give you an example, two men were hanged in my home city (Mashhad) for the rape of a 13 year old boy. The paedopheila and rape charges were made clear. This was in 2005. It wasn't until many years later when I was arguing with someone (was a different chat forum in a different era, 2007 to be more specific) somebody first brought up that they were hanged for being gay. I didn't know what case they were talking about, and it took a lot of back and forth before I realized they were talking about this specific case these people had no idea what they were talking about because they weren't there. We aren't the US, not everything here is documented like it is in the west. Think about this, In 1920. There were about 20 million people who lived here. To us, their memories and experiences are gone forever, like tears in the rain. People on reddit tell me things that only an Iranian living here for his entire life would know are false. I share a lot with 80 million people, and even more generally something with a few billion people who live in countries like Iran all across the world.

Some people however, no matter the place. Live in a fantasy world. Where no matter the personal experience, will twist whatever they see to the highest degree.

I've heard a relative say that the shah didn't even touch protestors, some people are flat out delusional.

/r/iran Thread