My realistic interpretation of Gothita, a Pokémon I despise but got assigned to draw for the r/Pokemon draws Pokémon event! The result: creepy owl/Furby thing.

For those of you who don’t know, r/pokemon held an event recently where everyone signed up and randomly got assigned a Pokémon to draw. Although the album is still being compiled (as I believe people have late submissions) I decided to stop waiting and share the Pokémon I got assigned.

When I received number 574 in my inbox, I was excited to check out who I would be drawing. Instant disappointment when I see Gothita’s ugly little head staring back at me. I HATE the Gothita line, and I’m generally more fond of the final evolutions in each line rather than the first or ‘baby’ evolutions. So I wasn’t happy when I Googled number 574 haha. I was going to avoid drawing it realistically simply because I dislike the design that much and couldn’t really think of a feasible way around it without making it super creepy. But then I saw it as a challenge and here’s my realistic interpretation: a creepy owl/Furby thing (but it’s a creepy Pokémon, I’ll give you that).

*Design process

(Please read the following before asking any design-related questions or making comments such as “that’s not realistic, that’s grotesque” etc.) Thanks!* You ever seen a realistic interpretation of the Gothita line? There aren’t many. For those that do exist, they’re creepy human babies/children with Gothic Lolita clothing. This interpretations look horrendously creepy and not what I imagine Gothita to be like at all. At first glance, Gothita looks humanoid. It probably is. But so much about its design just doesn’t work with human aspects. The lack of a nose, small beak-like lips, lack of digits on its fingers and oddly shaped ‘clothing’ (c’mon, where would every individual of this species get the exact same clothing?) Then I saw this gif: it seems to me to look like a baby bird, or an owl! So that was the route I took. Gothita apparently stares at ‘ghosts’ so much it doesn’t feel any attacks. Wanted to accentuate the creepy eyes by making them large and owl-like, but also glassy (could be blind?) with white patterns on the iris. I also think feathers were a decent solution to the ‘gothic lolita clothing and hair’ that this line has, while bird forelimbs work pretty well given their lack of digits. And small beaks for their really odd ‘lips.’ I’d imagine as Gothita evolves they’d get slightly more humanoid-bird like. I even sketched realistic concepts for Gothorita and Gothitelle just to see if I could make this concept work for each design.

So yeah, here's a creepy, owl/bird, Furby thing. Other realistic Pokémon interpretations.

/r/pokemon Thread Link -