My return for thousands in tuition is my professor covering slides of his favorite quotes.

I won't lie, my degree actually got me a good job. But it wasn't really because of anything I learned. It's just that my degree qualified me to apply for government-subsidized student-only job postings (funded via Canada Student Job Grant), and then I did well and got hired on after I graduated. I'm not sure if these kinds of grants are a thing in the USA.

I found most of my core classes useful and my minor enjoyable, but most of my electives were really silly and pointless and frustrating. I didn't really need to spend $1000 to learn about Canadian bird species or Confucian theory or tectonic plates, because those electives happened to fit into my schedule. I could have just watched a few documentaries or done some Wikipedia deep dives and achieved the same end-result. And electives were like 30%-40% of my time spent at uni.

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