my semi-sarcastic criticism of this sub, delivered with a starter pack... map

Following the population exchange and failed attempts on the part of Greece to implement the Megali ideas, it is my understanding that there are almost no Greek-majority regions of Turkey and they currently dispute no land besides a few uninhabited islands in the Aegean. It’s not even a remotely plausible concept that Istanbul or even Smyrna would be annexed or taken from Turkey, the two regions today are pretty much integrated completely. A Greek Istanbul is nothing but an irredentist and vaguely fascist claim at this point

There are however very legitimate, concerning, and all around despicable situations where various Kurd, Lazi, Azerbaijani, and even Arab populated regions are under constant suppression and persecution by the Turkish government, and hopefully a situation where one day an independent or autonomous Kurdistan (including the Kurdish regions from various surrounding countries) could emerge along with similar outcomes for similarly oppressed groups.

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