My SIL [34F] left my brother [37M] for a woman. Now I'm [25F] worried about my nephews [7 and 13M].

Yeah, you're right. I know there's not much I can do besides try to be there for them when they're in need of a supportive adult. I just wish there were a magical solution that could fix everything overnight. They're really good kids despite everything going on. The youngest is extremely emotionally intelligent for his age, very empathetic, but also really good at hiding his emotions if he thinks they'll hurt someone else. The oldest has a learning disability (hence calling him stupid with his homework... I don't have words for the seething anger that lit in me), but he's always eager to help out around the house and wants to make people happy. Neither of them deserve this shit, but none of it reaches the level that CPS would intervene for.

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