My sister committed suicide and I’m not sad about it, and my Husband won’t stop begging for forgiveness.

Yes, many husbands give in sis, your husband and all the husbands you know maybe able to say no, but there are many husbands who just cant, at least once. Thats how we hear so many cheating stories, and many we dont hear, bc they are never revealed or found out.

And i dont mean to say your reality is not real, but i know many women right this second im typing this who think the exact same thing as you do about their husbands, they are super confident he would "say no effortlessly!" But i know for a fact they have ALL cheated, at least once, they have just been blessed to cheat with women who left them alone afterwards. Or they have tried to cheat, but the other woman wouldnt sleep with a married man, so it hasnt been for lack of trying. So while i'm not judging YOU, well...the reality is what the reality is hon!

I'm not saying all or majority of men are like that by any means, i'm saying there are many men who just...give in. They are not pursuers of cheating, but if they are pursued and seduced, they just..give in, or if the opportunity presents itself they do not "say no effortlessly" like you are sure your husband will.

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