My sister just said in conversation: “It’s disturbing. I’ve never met a woman who doesn’t have a complicated relationship with food.”

Ive never had good eating habits growing up in a house of junk food and with a dad screaming at my mom that she was "too fat to be desired" (he had a beer gut that resembled how a 12 month pregnant woman would look if she kept the baby in to marinate a bit more). My mom got lap band surgery to correct it and when she was losing the weight she was admiring the loss in the mirror and i happened to be coming in to get something. She had never been thin before so i know she said and did this without realizing but it fucked me up something good. She pulled me in front of her to face the mirror and said "look, I used to be bigger than you." It fucked me up good considering i was already struggling with food to the point that i only ate once a day hoping it would help it did not and probably did more harm than good. She didnt mean to make it sound bad she just was blown away by her results it wasnt until i got upset that she realized my take away was "youre the big one now" which was never anything i noticed she was just my mom not "the biggest in the house" but when she lost the weight and said that it gave me that crushing realization.

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