My sister is a pediatrician and wrote this covid-19 info sheet for teens

Doctors will have to decide who gets to live or die.

You make that sound more difficult or complex than it is.

If you look at it objectively the answer is very clear, though not very pallatable.

The current incompetent leadership is the one responsible for poor control and spreading of the virus by: neglect of the needs of people for community medical care, delayed responses to the pandemic early on to control it and test, as well as a myriad of other actions mostly driven by greed and ego.

The behaviour of the people who elected the current administration is a reflection of the narcissism and nepotism that will define the spread of the virus.

From the perspective of the larger human organism, it makes the most sense to spare the parts of us weren't part of the cause.

And in general it would seem to hold true that if we must choose from a pool of those that are already weak physically, it would be best to pick those that aren't also so easily duped by the likes of hyenas in republican clothing.

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