Is my snake out to seek revenge because I accidentally caused her to stress regurgitate? (Story to comments)

The issue was she was fed by the original owner who apparently knew so much about snakes before I took her home. I thought as I read on several sites an average children's python will eat 1-2 mice in one feeding, the ex owner told me she gave her 6 baby rat pinkies and said it was fine? Most site were saying wait 48 to hold, plus I don't think the move helped.

She came in her original tank. I was trying to keep the temp at roughly between 25-30 degrees because that's the average temp for the bred. Yet due to the heat wave and temps outside being like 42 degrees I have been trying to keep the tank more aired out and have a fan close by, while I turned off the heating lamp and taken the tank away from the window, the temp inside is still at a similiar level due to the approaching heat wave.

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