My social anxiety and agoraphobia is preventing me from going to college

If you are willing to get uncomfortable for a brief period of time, this will not ruin your future.

FIRST, you should know that your brain is in a habit of fear and anxiety. At some time in the past you've developed this automatic response mechanism that creates anxiety when thinking about going out. You "can't" go out because your brain is stuck in a habit to believe that is true. Every day, the neurons in your brain that communicate this message back and forth to each other become stronger through their own synaptic connection. The habit becomes even stronger, and so does the fear. It's important you understand what is going on in your brain. There are physical things happening everyday in your brain that is behind all of this. There is nothing wrong with you. This fear is your brain. It's NOT who you are.

Everyday new cells and neurons are born in our brain. This is called neurogenesis. The same way neurons built connections of bad habits of fear and agoraphobia is the same was you can reverse it. You can be days away from not having to deal with this.

SECOND, are you willing to get a little uncomfortable to switch your brain back into the other direction to replace this bad habit?

/r/Anxiety Thread