My son predicts things/reads minds

I’m 29, I have the ability to predict situation and never said to anyone. I can confirm there’s some sort of near field communication without using voice but is so spontaneous that you won’t notice, at least I. How it happens: some things just come to mind randomly like thoughts,

example: you are just scrolling your Instagram timeline and suddenly you need to research something absolutely unrelated like “ cbrn “.

or you just have a feeling since you are a kid, that the world will collapse, that you really know it and telling someone might make you appear like a crazy weirdo

or you find yourself wandering in the middle of Lisbon at 5AM aware of the presence of an obscure entity following you but you still totally ok with it because you know there’s no evil that can harm you since you’re just like them.

don’t watch your kid like a weirdo, respect your kid and avoid talking about this thing if he doesn’t feel ok about talking, let him know those things are real because he need to be aware ( I wish someone did is with me ) but don’t treat him like a monkey.


/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix Thread