My son has taken the "red pill". Not sure what to think.

What exactly have I said that requires any sources?

Here's RAINN saying that most rapes are not reported and thus a majority of rapists never spend a day in jail. If you look at the bar chart provided, you will see rates of prosecution and conviction similar to all other crimes unless one considers the dark field study derived (read: sometimes good, sometimes guessing) number of non-reported rapes and just straight up adds one unconvicted rapist for every one of those rape allegations, which is wrong in multiple ways, but also not important at the moment.

The analogy between these statistics and your apologism for a broken system is that rape convictions are perfectly within expected parameters, i.e. not markedly different from other crimes, if you look at actual numbers.

In a similar-but-opposite way, custody is totally equitable if we look at the number of men who are granted custody when they ask.

So both situations are actually fine. Rapists generally go to prison at about the same rate as any other type of criminal if women accuse, and men and women get custody roughly equally often if men ask.

But with rapes that doesn't satisfy us. We don't look at those numbers, shrug, and go about our business. We ask questions, like "Why do so few women apparently actually report their rapes?", and we give answers like "rape culture! Male police! Bad judges! Misogyny!" And whether or not one likes these answers, and I don't, the question needs asking.

Contrast that with your statement about custody. There isn't even a hint of the kind of compassion or "critical thought" this subreddit is apparently so full of. It's not that I don't like the answers - and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like the answers - nobody is even asking the question. And that's disgusting.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread