My South Asian experience with systemic corporate racism from “Leadership” at Capital One.

Your post to /r/cscareerquestions has been removed. Your post violates our rules. Please review the posting guidelines and resubmit your question.

If your post doesn't actually have a question, it'd better have significant material worth discussing. Threads that consist of just a link, or have a link with minimal accompanying text, are not allowed. Please put effort into setting up the discussion.

I'd be fine with this thread if you didn't just copy+paste the link everywhere you could without too much effort.

This also looks like a "Name and Shame" post which has a higher bar content-wise:

Name & Shames should be for corporate behavior that is blatantly dishonest/unethical, illegal, or exceptionally shitty.

I think the article you linked meets that bar; Your post just needs a bit more context/explanation.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread