My stalker called himself a "nice guy" today...

I dont understand. Have you ever explained yourself to this person and stated in no uncertain terms that you no longer want them in your life? Like is he a crazy person who won't listen to reason or did you make the decision to ghost someone and this is their reaction?

Because there is a serious difference between how someone reacts when they have been ghosted, which honestly is a shitty way to treat someone and only makes crazy go crazier, and how a real honest to goodness stalker who will not take no for an answer behaves. They can appear similar but are very different indeed.

If you made no mention to this person as to why you dont want them in your life, then this text isnt terrible unreasonable. I mean yeah he sounds kind of creepy but what happens if you engage? Does it end or escalate?

This post is odd. I cant discern if you have told him to fuck off or just ghosted.

/r/niceguys Thread Link -