I think my teacher may be a pedophile

Dude you're just being a rude teenager. No shade cause we've all been there. Honestly I feel like every middle school has a "rapist/pedo teacher" rumor. Trust me, as you get older you'll cringe when you remember that you were part of spreading this rumor.

Schools do not hire sex offenders. Teachers get fired (or moved) for accusations and actions much less serious than raping a student. You're most likely hating on some poor guy who, despite knowing about these terrible rumors, still feels like he can make a difference in rude teenagers' lives by teaching them something.

So think for a second. Are you actually uncovering a county-wide conspiracy to keep rapist teachers at work? Or are you ratting on a dude who's giving you and your friends way more leeway than you deserve because you're bored and hungry for some drama?

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread