My Teen Isn't Interested in Driving

My 15 year old feels the same, and I keep hearing this is common these days. I do worry about this generation being so anxious and/or tethered to virtual experiences that they hardly go anywhere, you know? Human beings often experience growth when they are nudged out of their comfort zones, but it feels like the teenager comfort zone is absurdly narrow these days so asking them to do anything is triggering to their anxiety etc. But I also understand the hesitation to push them on this - driving is one of the most actually dangerous things teenagers do. It's logical to be nervous about this.

What's tricky about it from my perspective is that you have to know the future to have the best outcome. Like if my 15 year old grows up and only lives in urban areas where they can get around without their own car just fine, then it's no big deal that they didn't learn to drive in high school. Or ever. But if they end up wanting to live somewhere that they need to drive, then they have to play catch-up in their 20s without the more sheltered experience of having learned to drive from mom and dad, and I'll regret not having pushed a little. And we just can't know which way the chips are going to fall.

I do like the comments here about encouraging autonomy (having them figure out their own transportation plans, or at least having to think about it instead of assuming a parental taxi in all cases) without necessarily pushing them to get a license. I think that's probably where the correct balance lies. Not that I'm that great at implementing it, personally!

/r/Parenting Thread