My therapist is struggling to afford groceries.

All the people crying about the therapist shortage for vulnerable people need to realize that it’s because they don’t pay is enough to offset the student loans and years of internships where we made less than most other jobs.

We can thank Raegan for a lot for that too as far as common baseline care goes, but also for "regular people" they think "Frasier" and some high flying NYC lifestyle with $800 an hour as being "therapist pay". So not only is there political will to invest in said care, but there is 0 functional public pressure to get it either.

Fine Some boomer got their PHD for cheap and are making bank on reputation and experience going back to whatever... probably made some millions on kickbacks from big pharma when those were still legal and all that.

Born after 1978 and in mental health as a career wanting to help people? Yah, less super fucking lucky it ain't worth it pay to debt ratio wise.

/r/antiwork Thread Parent