My thoughts about She-Hulk and why I think its getting un-deserved hate

I think my minor gripe (again, minor) is that the writers admitted that they wanted to write these riveting courtroom scenes than admitted they knew nothing about how to write those. Which is fine, but "attorney at law" kinda inplicates that. And then having a heroine who's strength is rage, i think people want to see that rage. But, if based on the comics, the character was never about that. And I think perhaps the advertising never implied that, it was always fun. It anything my gripe was more with moon knight - while i enjoyed it and developing a separate personality from abuse is fucked up, I'm the Kylo Ren gif "more!" When it comes to fucked up.

I think in part though, this is cultural in two aspects. One, marvel did well 2008-endgame because we were more hopeful then. Pre pandemic, pre trump, be insurrection attempts, pre all this shit, people had "hope", we were more able to smile and enjoy the escape. And, if you look at the history of comics, they don't counteract their time, they match it. Civil war comic in the heat of bush era, watchmen and dark knight returns at the height if American Psycho 1980s, campy batman in the swinging sixties, detective batman in the 1970s after Watergate. I think people want their escape to be a mirror to help the through the political economy they go through. I think Snyder verse would do better now than ten years ago, for example, even if I'm not a Snyder fan. Winter soldier, right after Edward Snowden, for example, did that. And unfortunately, two women characters got shafted with that - the fun of she hulk and Ms marvel in a time when Jessica Jones for example would shine.

But, and I think this is more pointed, i think the issue is just the rise of misogyny when combined with the last point. The girl teamup in endgame was cheesy but real talk - so is every other thing the guys characters do. That's the MCUs brand. guys get a pass but women don't, and think that's tied with the toxic inceldom we've seen in the past ten years really hit it's nadir. Consumer economy means that consumers expect their product to be specifically for them and no one else, and when you have a company like Disney try to provide for everyone, including my fucked up ass (the punisher dragging jigsaws face against broken mirrors, Jessica Jones being the prickly result of abuse, all of daredevil), then the misogynistic fanboys demand that all their product is built for their customer views. But dog, why would I go into Ms marvel and think "yes as a mid thirties biracial man everything in here is going to be for me"? It's cheesy, it ain't for me, let it be cheesy. Like this is how capitalism works surprise, they have a product for everyone. And nerd culture has always had this problem of toxic nerd boys who think they're the only customer. But go look at studies at who watches MCU - it's gender split. Literally. It's pretty racially diverse. They said "why don't we let Michael cera play shaft!" When Donald glover was fancast for spiderman (despite the fact that i would watch that everyday). And now they complain when women get their cheesy shit too.

Which leads to my final point - i think the MCU is heading for it's star wars nexus. Star wars put out three bangers, left, and in that time of customer expectations, mixed with misogyny, they turned wars fans. Nothing is enough, and when star wars came back, well...

I don't think this problem will go away.

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