"My three-year-old child has cancer. But the priesthood blessings are helping! God is great!" Fuck, this post made me sad.

I understand they are desperate, but this is more about how they aren't questioning why a loving, kind God would allow a CHILD to get such a horrible disease and likely put them in massive debt in the first place. These are good people. One of them works for the church. And in turn, God allows their child to suffer such an awful disease and horrible treatment process? I guess to be more specific, this post isn't so much at them, I'm more upset at the idea of a great, wonderful, loving God that listens to prayers, gives blessings, and can prevent this soet of thing, but allows it for no reason. And for what? To strengthen people with a difficult journey? That's not a good God that deserves worship. Yet people will twist logic to support this notion of a great God. It makes me sad. And this is just the tip of the iceberg for needless suffering that exists in a world supposedly created and watched over by a loving entity.

"If God exists, he will have to beg for my forgiveness".

/r/exmormon Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com