My wart came out today.......

I've had a few in my life. There was one on my finger, half to the side, half under my nail. It ruined my nail. When my finger was wet, this thing looked like a disgusting sponge. It was embarrassing, I just kept bandaids on it 24/7 to hide it. I tried every trick in the book - including bullshit lore, from the rub and bury a match, duct tape, snails, Compound W, freeze off, everything. I'd cut it off myself, and within 2-3 days it would be fully grown right back where it was. I went to a doctor and they used a laser to burn it out, there was legit just a charred hole there. About 2 weeks later it completely healed and the wart returned. By this time I had this thing for probably three years and was just ready to call it quits. But one day I got drunk and angry enough where I took an Exacto knife and cut down to the point where I simply didn't feel the pain anymore and scooped that hole bitch out. Never came back.

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