This is my wife

Everyone deals with emotions, it's a very innate and complex part of who we are. I doubt there is a single person in the world who has not made an emotional decision over a logical one. When we choose to chase someone we love, or do something we enjoy rather than a chore or homework - is that not letting our emotions get the best of us?

The important thing is to learn to understand our emotions - why we have them, what triggers them - and then HOW to be disciplined to control them. Toddlers throw tantrums because they lack the tools to understand how to handle their raw emotions, until they are taught through life experiences and mentorship.

But we continue to feel such things even as adults. We get frustrated in traffic, or depressed if our relationship needs aren't being met.

We will always deal with emotion interwoven with the fabric of our lives. This is just one example, showing that many people react to a world-changing view as if it were a threat because the brain wants to protect that core foundation of who we believe ourselves to be.

If that wasn't the case, would we have so many issues with people on different stances of politics/sexuality/religion/etc at each other's throats all the time??

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