My wife (21f) left me (21m)yesterday

Before I read this post, I clicked on your name to see your history. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see if you had mentioned marital difficulties before or if you had just dropped a "my wife says" line that would make this out of the blue. I didn't find either, but I also stopped after skimming to the 5th page. By then, I knew what this was going to say.

The video games. They have obviously dominated your life- as they do a lot of 21 year old guys. But most 21 year olds aren't married. The problem probably isn't that you played that and isn't just that you got absorbed in them. Yes, you neglected her and your relationship in this, but was there something that drove you in the direction in the first place?

What to do to "get her back"? Even in the history of guys who often post about video games, you will find mentions of a wife sprinkled in there. It seems you forgot why you feel for this girl in the place. Even in this post, you didn't speak of her as an individual or voice your feelings about her. Your spoke of her less fondly than I would have stolen bike that I left unchained. You also forgot why she fell for you. It probably wasn't because you were "working enough" and reaching levels on video games. Luckily for you, yall are married. That means she has to deal with you in some form at some point. That's probably what she wants anyway. It took her leaving for you to post about her. It took her leaving for you to get out of your funk. To realize where your priorities lie. She may have seen that, by making such a statement as she did, that was the only way for her to reach you.

This is not a video game. There is no formula to win her back. She is a person. Stop looking at it as "I was selfish"/"Ive been a deadbeat." Start actually looking at from how it felt to be her. Try to remember what drew yall together in the first place. Let your heart and instincts tell you how to approach her. Even if you two havent been connected recently, try to show her that the person she married is present.

/r/relationships Thread